DFC Memberships
All playing memberships are to be completed online via PlayHQ – use the ‘Sign Me Up’ link below.
Social Memberships can be purchased via the link below or at the clubrooms during Thursday night dinners or at home games. All playing memberships include AFL Barwon Affiliation Fee and JLT Personal Injury Insurance.
Discounts & Concessions
*Senior Men Membership: Adult Student / Apprentice/Concession please pay as a full member then apply to the Treasurer for a refund of $100.
*Junior Membership: 3rd and subsequent Junior Player please pay the full rate online then provide your receipts to the Treasurer for a refund.
Terms & Conditions
Players who played in Season 2023
If you played with Drysdale last year, you can register via the 'Sign Me Up' links above. If your email is not recognised you will need to contact info@drysdalefc.com.au and provide the Players Name and Date of Birth and the email address you wish to use. Once the email has been changed, you will be notified to again use the link below.
New Players
Played for another club in your prior year? Follow the link and register on PlayHQ, and a clearance request will be lodged from your previous club as part of the registration process.
Registering to participate in Australian Rules Football for the first time, or transitioning from Auskick? You can use the link above and select New Members. Please be aware of the requirements below regarding proof of age.
New junior players and those transitioning from Auskick are required to provide proof of age by way of Birth Certificate/Passport. These documents can be uploaded in the league registration process above or emailed to our Junior Co-ordinator at info@drysdalefc.com.au
Please note that the League has a minimum age for footballers – children must be born on or before 30/04/16 to play in Season 2023.